Meet the Team Boston


Nursery Manager

Level 3 Child Care and Education

Paediatric and Emergency First Aid

Level 2 Elklan

Level 2 Makaton

Fire Warden



Hi, I'm Courtney! I started at Mon Ami back when I was a student in 2010, attending every other week for my college placement. I became part of the Mon Ami family and never left! I have worked my way from being a Practitioner to Senior Practitioner, then Deputy Manager and now Manager. 

Whilst here, I have completed a leadership apprenticeship, Elklan Level 2 and currently Level 4 training, SENCo training as well as lots of other training including Makaton Level 2 most recently.

What I love about Mon Ami is our ethos to create a home-from-home environment and I feel that is truly reflected within our practice and the relationships made with families. 

I enjoy working alongside the parents and children and encouraging their passion for learning while enjoying seeing the children develop their interests. I really enjoy messy play and being outdoors, whether that be in the nursery garden or out exploring our local community.

I have a passion for supporting children with SEN and I am committed to making sure they’re given the same opportunities as everyone else and ensuring that we provide an inclusive service.


Deputy Manager

Level 3 Childcare

Paediatric First Aid

Hi, I’m Wendy and I have worked for Mon Ami for 20 years now! I am the Deputy Manager at Mon Ami Boston. I studied in Nottingham for 3 years to gain my NNEB in Childcare. I then moved from Nottingham to the Spalding area, got married and had my two fantastic children!

I loved being a mum and watching them grow into the strong adults they are today. My daughter and son are the reason I became a Practitioner at Mon Ami as I wanted them both to realise that you have to work hard in life to get what you want. I became a single parent when my daughter was 3 and my son was 6 months old, so to me, it was important to go back to work for them, and I’m so glad I did as it has inspired them both to work hard. My daughter is a history teacher and my son starts his police training soon. Seeing the impact I have had on my children made me want to have an impact on other children!

I really enjoy seeing the children grow into their own personalities - it's the best feeling ever! In our Baby Room, where I am based, we enjoy getting messy in lots of different ways and sharing stories together. That one-to-one time is what I find really brings their personality out.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family as they mean the world to me. I also love reading, walking, gardening and West End shows. I also have a dog called Rosie, so we enjoy long walks on the beach and in the woods throwing the ball for her to catch! She also loves to find the muddiest puddles to lay in!


Nursery Cook

Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene

Hello, I’m Tatjana. I have worked at Mon Ami since 2007, but I am from (and studied in) Riga, Latvia.

Whilst in Riga, I had the opportunity to finish my professional studies as a chef. I really enjoy cooking as it brings me joy! I enjoyed it so much that I opened my own little restaurant in Latvia. However, around 2006-2007, I moved to England for better opportunities and settled in Boston.

In 2007, I started working at Mon Ami as a chef. I have a Level 2 in Food Safety and Hygiene. I believe that making tasty food that kids enjoy is one of the easiest ways to please a child! It brings me joy to see the smiles on the children's faces when they enjoy a meal that I have prepared for them.

The children at Mon Ami are always well-mannered and thank me when I bring their meals into the rooms. I enjoy cooking all year round, whether it’s for work or my family and friends. I love putting smiles on people’s faces with my food!


Nursery Practitioner

Level 3 Childcare

Paediatric First Aid

Fire Warden

Hi, my name is Melanie and I have worked at Mon Ami for 17 years! I have a Level 3 Childcare qualification. I am also the Fire Warden and am Paediatric First Aid trained, and have undertaken many courses in various areas such as Safeguarding over the years.

I love coming to work every day and currently work in the Toddler Room with Nikki and Fern. I also occasionally help out in the other Mon Ami nurseries when needed, so am a familiar face to many. I particularly like getting involved in messy activities and all the dressing-up days! It is so lovely to see the children grow and develop as they move from the Baby Room through to the Toddler Room and then Preschool, and to know that I have been a part of their journey.

I have two children who have recently left home. My daughter, Sophie, works in a care home and my son, Matt, works for the RAF. In my free time, I enjoy taking our chocolate labrador, Rolo, out for walks. I also love weekends away and going to concerts!



Nursery Practitioner

Level 3 

Hi, my name is Nikki! I started working for Mon Ami back in 2004 when I was 17 years old. I am Level 3 qualified and have completed many different additional courses over the years, including various Safeguarding courses, Paediatric First Aid and a Level 2 qualification in SEN.

When I was younger, I always said I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up and loved playing schools with my siblings. As I got older, I decided my real passion was working in Early Years. 

I have worked with all age groups over the years but have spent most of my time with the 2-3 year olds in the Toddler Room, where I’m currently working. This is the age I love working with as they grow and learn so much. Watching them develop their communication, interaction and social skills as well as seeing them become independent and develop their own individual personalities is so rewarding. 

I have supported many children with SEN and find this to be another part of my job that is very rewarding, providing them with the best possible start to their early education and watching them grow and develop to the best of their abilities. 

At home, I have two daughters who both started their Early Years journey at Mon Ami. They both loved their time at the nursery! My youngest, who is now 9, still has many friendships with children who all attended Mon Ami together. 

My spare time is mostly spent with family and being the taxi for the girls, taking them to their gymnastics sessions and competitions.


Nursery Practitioner

Level 3

Paediatric First Aid

Hi, my name's Leigh! I'm a Level 3 qualified Nursery Practitioner and spent 3 years completing a Bachelor's degree in Sociology with Social Psychology in York, basing my dissertation around public opinions of the viability of government benefit schemes pertaining to childcare.

I've been at Mon Ami for over two years and the Preschool Room is my home away from home, which is exactly what I want the children to feel when they walk into the setting. Growing up, I loved the idea of being a teacher who is also a friend that children can confide in. Building a relationship based on trust and comfort is the most important to me, as the mental welfare of a child is very much mutual to our own! I love to get on a child's level and bring myself into their world, understanding things from their perspective, and joining in with their imagination and creativity wherever possible.

I love being in the Preschool Room as each day, it is so rewarding to see smiles on my children's faces as they enter and leave the nursery, knowing they've thoroughly enjoyed their time here. 

In my spare time, I like to hike around the Peak District with friends and play the guitar! I have a cat called Romulus, who is 20 years old but is still very much my baby. I currently live with my brother and sister-in-law, as well as my niece who I had the joy of watching grow up and caring for when she was a toddler.


Nursery Practitioner

Level 2 Childcare

Paediatric First Aid

Hi, I'm Katie! I joined Mon Ami back in 2019 as an Apprentice and have now gained my Level 2 Childcare qualification.

I've always known since primary school age that I wanted to work with children.
I have three younger siblings with the smallest age gap being 9 years and the biggest age gap being 13 years! Helping to raise my siblings was what set my mind on being a Nursery Practitioner. I have really enjoyed watching them grow and helping them to learn new skills.

I'm a big family person and enjoy spending time with my Mum and Nan. I often travel to Lincoln to spend time with my Grandad, too.

Mon Ami has always felt like a second home. I started my Apprenticeship in the Preschool Room, studied hard through the first lockdown and qualified in the second lockdown. Although I have worked in all rooms in the nursery, I am often in the Baby Room.

I love coming up with different activities to support the children's needs and development. Watching them learn and develop is really rewarding for me.

I have recently moved into my own place and have always tried my best to be as independent as possible. Back at my family home, we have four adorable cats and I love helping my mum and stepdad with the chickens!


Nursery Practitioner

Level 3

Paediatric First Aid

Hi, I’m Megan and I work in our Preschool Room, although some of you might recognise my face from the Baby Room as I used to be in there, too! I have worked in childcare for the past 8 years and I hold a Level 3 qualification.

I decided to start my childcare career through an apprenticeship. I realised I wanted to do childcare when my little sister entered the world 11 years ago - watching her grow and taking care of her has been amazing! This sparked an interest and I’m so glad it did!

I absolutely adore my job - watching the children grow and develop skills and abilities is amazing and I love to get messy with the children. During my apprenticeship, one of my tutors told me, "If you don’t go home covered in the day's activities (paint, glitter, the list goes on) then you haven’t done your day right!" and this has definitely stuck with me!

During my home life, I spend my time with my golden retriever, Elton! We absolutely love going for muddy walks and especially the beach. We love the Norfolk coast so spend a lot of time there at the weekends, finding new places to explore! 


Nursery Practitioner

Level 3 Early Education and Childcare

Paediatric First Aid

Hi, I'm Claire. I joined the Mon Ami family at the beginning of 2023 and work in the Preschool Room. I qualified in 2013 with a Level 3 in Early Education and Childcare! I lived up in Scotland (my adoptive home) until 2015 when my husband was posted down to RAF Coningsby.

I absolutely love working with children as no matter what, they always bring a smile to my face with something they say or do. I love listening to them chatting and interacting with their friends, forming those really important bonds with one another. I also love it when I set up an activity thinking the children will take it in one direction, but finding that they take it in a direction I hadn't thought of!

I love doing messy play with the children and always seem to end up with more paint on me than the children! I don't have children of my own but I love spending time with my four nephews and niece, and my honorary two nephews and niece.


Nursery Apprentice

Studying towards Level 3 Childcare

Hi, I’m Fern! I joined the Mon Ami team at the beginning of November 2022 and I am in the second year of my Apprenticeship - I’m expected to qualify this year.

I’ve worked in childcare for 2 years now as I started an Apprenticeship in a Primary School but it soon became apparent that I only loved working with the younger years, so I made the best decision to move into Early Years Education. My sister, Melody, also works for Mon Ami, at our Swineshead setting. We both aim to qualify this year!

I currently work in the Toddler Room but have also worked in the Preschool Room. I love walking into work and seeing the children in the morning - they never fail to make me smile! I also love meeting parents at the start and end of each day and seeing how the children’s faces light up when they see their loved ones waiting for them at the door.

Working in childcare is a very rewarding job and seeing the children develop and grow, whatever stage they may be at, is the real reason why I do what I do. I decided I wanted to work in Education because I didn’t have the best time at school when I was younger, so I want to give every child a positive start to their education and to support their journey the best I can. 

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love glitter play! So if your child’s bag has some glitter in the bottom of it from their artwork, that’ll probably be me… (sorry!) I also love encouraging messy and sensory play, which the children seem to love, too. I like to teach new skills to children, which include gardening and picking our nursery-grown produce in the summer and also doing some baking, as I believe it’s important that children feel a sense of achievement! I really enjoy taking the children on outdoor adventures to the shops and the park. 

I am a very musical person. I make my own music and I released a song a couple of years ago. I am also really sporty; I used to play football for a team in my younger teenage years and I love going on walks with my family. In my spare time, I make personalised jewellery which is a skill I really enjoy. I love spending time with my family and friends but most importantly, coming home to my cat, Zara each evening for snuggles.


Nursery Apprentice

Studying towards Level 3 Early Years Educator


Hi, my name is Jenna. I have recently started my journey in childcare and am really enjoying it! I am currently working as an Apprentice at Mon Ami, working towards my Level 3 Early Years Educator qualification.

I am really enjoying the experience of working in the different rooms and getting to know the children. I'm really excited to gain more knowledge and understanding of Early Years through my Apprenticeship.

I used to work as a swimming pool assistant and found it really rewarding watching the children develop and achieve their goals, which is one of the reasons I have chosen this career path in Early Years. I am also from a big family (one of six!) and have always enjoyed helping to take care of my younger siblings.

In my spare time, I love playing football which has been a passion of mine since I was young! I also enjoy going to the gym and spending lots of time with my friends and family.
